ბრუს ლი მებრძოლი სული 2 | Брюс Ли: сражающийся дух 2 | Bruce Lee: fighting spirit 2

2018-08-27 3

ბრიუს ლი, ანუ ჩინური საბრძოლო ხელოვნების “ჯადოქარი”
сериал снят по книге Брюс Ли: сражающийся дух , Автор Лаша Килитаури
BRUCE LEE has been badly served by the film industry and by his fans. You would be wary of going out with someone who suggested a screening of Enter the Dragon as a hot night out. Nor would you be inclined to agree with someone who bemoaned Lee's early death in terms reserved for Jean Vigo or James Dean, or even Keats for that matter.

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